SLA 034 – Culzean Castle Caves

SLA 034 – Culzean Castle Caves

Venturing below the cliffs at Culzean you discover the secret caves used as a smuggling hideaway.  I had a lot of fun creating this mixed media piece using tissue paper, gesso and cling film to develop the texture under the acrylic ink.

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SLA 017 – Cliffside Cottage

SLA 017 – Cliffside Cottage

In 2018 I was introduced to acrylic ink and had some right old fun playing around with the ink on different textures such as gesso, tissue paper and masking fluid. I also took some sand paper to it to create the cracking effect.

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SLA 015 – Church Walk Bridge

SLA 015 – Church Walk Bridge

A view often appreciated along the Straiton village walks beside the Water of Girvan and where I have spotted kingfishers. I used this scene to create a black and white painting in acrylic ink.

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